Elevating the Concerns of Female Workers to a National Priority

Tarangini Foundation recently held a successful national advocacy workshop, bringing together 105 participants to discuss the theme “Our Work, Our Identity.” Among those in attendance were Mr. Top Bahadur Magar, Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission, Honorable Mr. Gagan Thapa, a newly elected member of the House of Representatives, and Honorable Dr. Binda Pandey, a member of the Nepal Communist Party.

The workshop provided a platform for workers to voice their issues and demands, asking for support and assistance from relevant authorities. The recently elected representative, Honorable Gagan Thapa, committed to addressing the issue and emphasized the importance of recognizing women’s work in promoting social, economic, and political development. The Chairperson of the National Human Rights Commission also addressed the issue, offering to bring it to the attention of the concerned authorities. The Deputy Mayors of Tarkeshwor and Dakshinkali municipality also expressed support for the cause.

The patriarchal social structure and values have long controlled women’s work, bodies, and identities. However, change makers in all political movements of the country are demanding transformation of these inequalities and more solidarity is needed. The goal is to ensure human rights in a democratic republic, as outlined in various international declarations and conventions. The advocacy campaign will continue until women’s work is recognized and valued in all aspects.